Sunday, July 13, 2008

5 days left! No worries? Oh I have some...

I'm currently in Florida for the Monster DLP Conference at Stetson University. I've been meeting a lot of cool student leaders. I've also been networking with some of the many sponsors here, like Target, Citrix, etc. However I can not keep the stresses from back home out of my head. I've been having so much fun here, but there are times when I completely zone out during a workshop. I start thinking about other things such as the $1340 I need to pay by 2moro, before I get my plane tickets. I don't have the money and I don't know what I'm going to do. I've also thinking about my personal relationships with people and what will happen to them while I am away......

But on the other hand, I am here having fun, meeting new people and learning a lot about leadership. I am very happy I decided to come to this conference, because I almost gave up and jumped right back on the train to go back to NC. I have always told myself to never give up on anything. There were plenty of situations where I want to give up, but I didn't and the end reward was great. I do not like to give up and I'm glad I didnt give up on Monster DLP.

I am short on time now, I'm actaully supposed to eating lunch and eating with my group.....~TIP~

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

10 days left!!!!

Wow.....time is moving extremely fast!!! It is definitely crunch time. I'm really stressed trying to get everything together for my conference this weekend. I need new luggage and I have no idea what to pack. I'm scared of what I'm leaving behind. I'm going to miss my friends...I still have to fax my medical form and my housing agreement. I also have to get my visa, and pay my AIFS balance before the end of the week. Hopefully I will get everything straightened out so next week I can focus on my departure. This is a real stressful process! I can't wait until I'm on that plane flying to the other side of the world.

My flight itinerary is as follows:

Depart RDU (Raleigh-Durham): 1:50 pm - Arrive DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth): 3:35 pm
Depart DFW : 5:30 pm - Arrive LAX (Los Angeles): 6:40 pm
Depart LAX : 11:30 pm - Arrive NAN ( Nadi, Fiji): 5:10 am
Then ten days later.......
Depart NAN : 9:00 am - Arrive SYD (Sydney, Australia): 11:40 am

I'm so excited......~TIP~

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

15 days left!

I really have 16 days left, but it's almost twelve so I'm just going to say 15. I received my passport last week. I want to say it took about a week for everything to process. I'm very nervous and excited. As the time counts down I get more and more nervous. It's going to be crazy to see how I act when I have 5 days left......

I've been meeting so many people going to Australia. AIFS sent out pre-departure packets with a list of everyone going included. So now everyone is on facebook finding each other before we all meet up in L.A. for the flight to Fiji. Just talking about all of this makes me anxious......

I mailed everything for my scholarship, so now I'm just waiting for the check. A couple more loose ends to tie up and I'll be ready to go. I just think I should get some bigger suitcases and do a little bit more shopping. I made a list of things to bring and I was shocked at how long it was. I realized there is no way I will be able to bring all of the things on my list and still try to make room for stuff I will bring back. But I will try very hard to pack as much as I can. lol... I can see me in the airport struggling with all my bags!

My AIFS advisor sent me the notes for the five lectures we will have in sydney. Please tell me why there are 150+ pages total. One set of notes was 49 pages long! I was in the computer lab trying to be discreet at the printer. It was all good, until someone else had to print something....LOL! It's crazy, because I know we have to read those before we get to Fiji......but everytime I pick them up I just look at it and put it right back down. I'm going to try and read them all this weekend and then a couple of days before I go.....

Well.....this is all the news for now.....Plus I'm tired now.....~TIP~