Sunday, June 15, 2008

33 Days Left!!!

It's 1:20 am, but I can't sleep so I decided to update the blog. I am still extremely excited and nervous about Australia. It seems as the days count down, the more my excitement and nervousness increases. I finally received my flight itinerary and its super long as I expected. I have an appointment for my passport tomorrow, so I hurry up and get it expedited. I still have to get my visa, but I'm glad it's a 24 hr process.

This week is the last week of summer school and I can not wait till its over. I don't think I will do this again, because this is just a lot of work. I am excited for my trip in July to Orlando for the Monster Diversity Leadership Program. I want to get some scholarships!!!! I also need to network and the DLP is a great place to network.

I'm still trying to find some books on Australia. I found a few at Barnes and Nobles, but I need to make sure I compare them so I get the "best" one. I also plan on buying a book about Sydney too. Well I'm not tired yet, but I don't have much more to say......So I guess I'll update in July or something. ~TIP~

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